Suffice it to say, I'm not there yet. I have to give you daily bloggers some real credit. It takes time and dedication to really get into this blog thing. I enjoy it, but spend so much time shooting and editing, following of course days of mommy and me, diaper changes and preparing meals...blogging is last on the list. But still, I endure. So here I am again, posting some more of my work.
I took some photos for a very talented hairstylist. I can say that because I know firsthand the quality of her work. She has been my hairstylist for many years, through dating, marriage (my wedding hair was fabulous!), pregnancy, and now the gray that follows bearing children. May I just tell you, I love getting my hair done and it looks fabulous. :smile:
Angelique Stanford works out of Butterfly Loft in Encino. You should call her. She is that good. Her model is Donna Quinn, who was fabulous to work with.