Tuesday, December 10, 2013

10 on 10, December

It's that time again- December 10th and the arrival of 10 photos. November's 10 on 10  I posted some favorites from the month of November. This time I decided to do a series.

My oldest turned 5 in October. We finally got around to getting her 5 year check up. It feels like such an important age. She's not a toddler, not quite a big kid, but in school now. And she's so wonderful. Really. Don't just ask her mom. Cause you know what she'll say...

I decided to bring my camera and document the appointment. Don't forget to visit my muy mucho talented peer Kristin for her 10 on 10 blog entry...

Sunday, December 1, 2013

The R Family

Such an amazing fall day at the beach. Only in California, right? As far as I know anyway since I was born and raised here. :)

This family is not only gorgeous, but adventurous as well. They were totally game to climb on the rocks, get wet, and just play. It was a gorgeous day and really fun session. Thank you for being so willing R family!!